SCKG Meetings |
The Executive Board is involved in the long-range planning of the SCKG, as well as the planning of the twice-yearly retreats and the annual Knitout. General SCKG members are welcome to attend board meetings. These meetings are scheduled on Saturday mornings, and are held at a board member's home. Upcoming meetings are announced in the monthly newsletter.
The Monthly Business meeting is only partly about SCKG business. After the member-provided refreshments, the business portion of the meeting commences. Updates on upcoming activities, the state of the treasury, and other business is handled. Through it all, members are knitting away. Following the business portion, there may be a planned presentation by a guest speaker or SCKG member, or members may just continue working on their projects, sharing information and the company of knitters. We meet most of the year at the Doyle Park Clubhouse in Santa Rosa, located at 700 Hoen Ave, south of Sonoma Ave (see map). The Clubhouse is used by the Parks & Recreation Department for summer youth programs in June, July and August, for for those months, SCKG plans a field trip and potlucks at various locations. Keep an eye on your SCKG newsletter for our summer meeting locations. Can't Make It During The Day? To accomodate those members who are unable to get away from their day jobs to attend the Third Wednesday business/program meetings, we are going to try having a business/program meeting at night three times during 2006, on the following First Mondays:
May 1 October 2 These three meetings will be in one of the meeting rooms at Canine Companions for Independence, thanks to the efforts of a member who affectionately refers to her assistance companion as her "knitting assistance dog".
Gittinger Hall 2965 Dutton Ave Santa Rosa CA 95407 See the excellent map and directions to on the CCI website. Once you pull into the CCI entrance gate, look for the sign pointing out the way to Gittinger Hall and take that road, which will be on the right. There is parking near Gittinger Hall. Entering the Hall through the doorway under the portico will take you right into the Great Hall, where we will be meeting.
KANS are get-togethers of SCKG members and the general knitting & crocheting public. No real SCKG business is conducted, just people getting together to knit and chat. The the current KANs schedule, see our KANs page. |
Last updated January 20, 2006
Sonoma County Knitting Guild (SCKG)
POB 2787
Santa Rosa CA 95404